“The Best Advice I Ever Got”

“The Best Advice I Ever Got”

On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, The Ad Club will present their annual Women’s Leadership Forum, an afternoon of discussions with forward-thinking women from a variety of career paths and generations. These women will share some of the best advice they’ve been given, and will share some of their own advice to help other women turn their dreams into a reality. The event is designed specifically for the Senior, Junior, and Entry level Women in your company, as well as the men who want to see them succeed.

In addition, the event will also focus on the importance of mentoring, and each attendee is encouraged to bring along a “mentee”, or a young woman who he or she mentors. This would be a fantastic opportunity to recognize and reward the outstanding women in your camp who are doing a phenomenal job.

Going along with the theme, The Ad Club is compiling a book of advice and we want to include your thoughts! Submit “The Best Advice You Ever Got” to be featured in our take-away book which will be available to all event attendees.

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